This blob sharing topic:
using azure functions blob trigger and azcopy copy blob from source storage account to destination in different subscription;
This is also work copy blob from global subscription and Azure China( mooncake azure );
在不同的订阅间,使用 azure functions blob trigger 和 azcopy 增量同步 blob,本方案同样适用于同步到 azure file share。
1. create source storage and container:
2. create destination storage and container:
3. crate sas token in both source and destination:
4. using vs code create azure functions:
language: powershell
trigger:blob trigger
functions source code:
please using your own parameters!
# Input bindings are passed in via param block.
param([byte[]] $InputBlob, $TriggerMetadata)
# Write out the blob name and size to the information log.
Write-Host "PowerShell Blob trigger function Processed blob! Name: $($TriggerMetadata.Name) Size: $($InputBlob.Length) bytes"
# Define source, source contains the blob newly uploaded(with file name)
$SourceURI = ""
$SourceBlobContainer = "source/"
$SourceSASToken = "?sv=2019-10-10&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupx&se=2021-02-28T20:34:03Z&st=2020-07-20T12:34:03Z&spr=https&sig=Qp1SkeSEdQbscC2SjseVVHM3ae4eMThF2dqGVRShlns%3D"
$SourceFullPath = "$($SourceURI)$($SourceBlobContainer)$($TriggerMetadata.Name)$($SourceSASToken)"
# Define dest, dest is only the full container name
$DestStgAccURI = ""
$DestBlobContainer = "dest/"
$DestSASToken = "?sv=2019-10-10&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupx&se=2020-08-20T20:37:12Z&st=2020-07-20T12:37:12Z&spr=https&sig=TDuc6kB%2FHIgxAXJeujU4cQQcXYxfjBIEbl25YoH3FWA%3D"
$DestFullPath = "$($DestStgAccURI)$($DestBlobContainer)$($DestSASToken)"
# del azcopy.exe and download lastest version of azcopy
# del azcopy.exe
# Test if AzCopy.exe exists in current folder
$AzcoypFile = "azcopy.exe"
$AzCopyExists = Test-Path $AzcoypFile
Write-Host "AzCopy exists:" $AzCopyExists
# Download and unzip if it doesn't exist
If ($AzCopyExists -eq $False)
Write-Host "AzCopy not found. Downloading..."
#Download AzCopy
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile -UseBasicParsing
#unzip azcopy
write-host "unzip"
Expand-Archive ./ ./AzCopy -Force
# Copy AzCopy to current dir
Get-ChildItem ./AzCopy/*/azcopy.exe | Copy-Item -Destination "./AzCopy.exe"
# Run AzCopy from source blob to destination blob
Write-Host "copy blob from $($SourceFullPath) to $($DestFullPath)"
./azcopy.exe copy $SourceFullPath $DestFullPath --recursive=true
5. run functions on your dev machine:
note: you may need install powershell on your local, just follow the notification message,
when you find the message below, you maybe need waiting for about 3~5 mins, powershell is installing az module.
when shown these messages, means almost finish install:
6. upload file to source blob, check dest blob and functions log:
after local functions finished running, check dest:
7. deploy functions to cloud:
ctrl+shift+p, deploy will create new resource group and resources by default:
copy the config setting from local.setting.json:
8. stop the function on your local machine, upload file to source blob, check dest blob and functions log on azure:
note: the log may be listed here later 1~3 mins
Great Demo! Wonderful. Very informative. I was looking for this kind of task. I have an assignment to trigger a function when a blob uploaded in another subscription. You helped me to solve my problem. Appreciated.
Thank you so much. Keep uploading new videos' with new information.